And this is my progress on the Dragon Scales scarf for the garnstudio competition.
I have also downloaded the pattern for the Lace Inset Cardigan from which I think is gorgeous. And I may be able to get some Brown Sheep Bulky at a good price too which is the yarn used in the pattern. But we'll see because my knitting time will be seriously cut now and I don't want to have loads of things waiting to be made which never get done.
So, Friday I started work. I think I was there from about 10.30 til 4.15. So I managed to miss the traffic both ways! At the moment it is a case of working out what needs to be done, and what work I can take over that Colin is doing himself at the moment. I must say the actual building is very quiet, even though there are probably about 30 businesses in there altogether. I hardly saw anyone on my trips to the loo or kitchen. Everyone keeps their blinds closed on their windows too (every room has a window onto the corridor) so I couldn't have a good old nosey in!
Today we walked into town and had lunch in the tex-mex place. We were the only ones in there and it still took ages to get our food. It wasn't as good as the last time we went there a couple of years ago.
Am getting on well with the Excel, I am about half way through the modules and finding it pretty easy going so far. Now that the broadband is on at work I can get on and do it there, without knitting to distract me!!
I bought the Mint Royale CD Pop Is.... on Saturday. Mainly for Blue Song but I actually really like most of it. I had a good old jiggle around the kitchen while I was cooking the dinner. That's one CD that'll be going into the car.
I'll tell you what, if mine fits me like that I'll be overjoyed - that's perfect. Picking up stitches sucks and blows at the same time (as Bart says.)
Dragon Scales is coming along beautifully, that's wondrous yarn!
Loving that pattern - what colour would you do it in? If you do it ;) Yep, I have a stash that is too big for my remaining years - I've promised not to buy any more 'til June and I think I shall still have enough to keep going through the Summer.
Can you not knit at work when it's quiet?
Glad you like the CD. I think all of their tracks are very different like Basement Jaxx (hark at me pretending to be young and know stuff)
SKB is looking really lovely. Great sock too!
Ohh, the SKB is beauteous! Wonderful colour. The scarf is very dramatic looking, isn't it? Where are you looking, for the Brown Sheep? That's a lovely pattern, too.
Glad to hear work is off to a start. Sounds like a good team effort. :)
Claire, it's a scarf made out of sock yarn, pay attention ;) :D xx
Oooohh, I love your SKB, it's coming along so well. What a wonderful fit. I don't mind picking up stitches, but I still think doing the collar next would be a good idea, then the sleeves should just fly by.
Love the Dragon Scales, very nice colours.
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