So trying to recover from that late night, we then went out to celebrate St. Patrick's Day down the pub on Saturday night, what with him indoors being a Paddy an' all. It was rather odd in that they had a disco on, never seen that down there before (not that I frequent the pub anyway.). We met up with some people I used to work with in the bookshop and we all ended up singing along to all the classic disco hits of our youth, ha ha!!
Sunday was spent food shopping, relaxing and catching up on a bit of knitting. The SKB is progressing nicely and I have now completed a sleeve and last night I finished the neckband. I think I picked up a few more stitches on the right neck than the left but I think I have gotten away with it. Blocking will help it along that last little bit.
Just one more sleeve to go but there is now a danger that I may run out of yarn just before the end. The ebay seller I got it from originally does sell single balls but it will have to come from the USA which is a pain. I will keep going and use all the yarn bits I have before I order another ball I may not need.
I also added to my Fabel scarf. I'd like to get this finished and post it on the garnstudio forum just to see if I can encourage anyone else along. I have posted a couple of progress pics but no-one else seems to be taking part. Unless they are all keeping quiet till the last minute.
My mum was pleased with her felted bag for Mother's Day. Now she wants another one in beige for the summer. I will probably make it a bit squarer with a plain flap. The good news is that Scandinavian Knitting Design seem to have reduced all their prices from this week. You can now get 100g of sock yarn for £2.90!! Now that's a bargain.
I decided to order the yarn for the Lace Panel Cardigan from ebay seller Oregon Trail. In their 2nds section they are selling single skeins of Brown Sheep Lamb's Pride Bulky in a "Lipstick Red". It is a colour that wasn't quite right so it went in the bargain bin. The Addis are also on order from Kangaroo.
I had a phone call from Becky, who I used to work with on Friday night too. I didn't recognise her voice which is shocking!! Sorry, Bex! I've left a "little" something for you on the sidebar!! It seems our mutual friend's wife still hasn't produced and is now 9 days overdue. They all thought it had happened yesterday when he didn't come into work, but it seems he had a little "almost cut my finger off" accident. Must be the nerves getting to him.
Your SKB is looking lovely! Fingers crossed you don't run out of yarn.
*Will not look at bargain yarns mentioned* ;)
Love your SKB - I really hope that you have enough yarn *needles crossed*.
SKB is really lovely. I hope you do manage to finish with what you have but at least you *can* get extra if you need it.
Don't type those words 'food shopping' - they give me the heeby-jeebies :D
Sweaterbabe will be lovely in lipstick red.
Your SKB looks stunning so far. It's really pretty so I've got my fingers crossed that you have enough yarn.
hey I am the moon too how freaky is that unless its one of those where you are always the moon!
Oh no, it must be the moon is for *special* people! :)
Donna, your weekend sounds like fun, and really packed! How has the week gone? As to the SKB, I'd stick with the story that you had to pick up more on the right because of that curve around you see at the bottom, the V. ;) And, fer pete's sake, it's gorgeous!
Best wishes for your friend and baby-to-be. Each of my kids were 2 weeks past the "due date", and they're fine. They are. Really!
Picked mine up again last night Donna, I'm starting lace today -eeeeee! ;)
SKB looks fab! Hope you don't need to order more yarn for it. Oregon Trail are very good, I'm going to have to at least *look* at their bargains now :-D
Me again :D Frogged the whole thing yesterday. Poop.
thanks for the comment,its made my day, i suppose my literary style comes from always having my nose in a book! I just steal other peoples style!
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