I have been having a practice with my new camera. On Saturday I bought a 55-200 zoom lens for it, and yesterday we went for a walk around The Walls and I snapped away. I think these are the ones that came out best.
I thought this one was really good apart from the fact that it is slightly out of focus. (I mean the face, the background is meant to be out of focus!!)
Hey, nice work with the camera, D. BTW, your city is just beautiful! (I clicked the link)
Regarding the third photo, it is good. You can't worry about the focus when you're creating art, ferpetessake. "It is what it is."
I like the wet pigeons the best. I feel like that this morning! Poor little guys...
I love those long focal length/wide aperture shots to give blurry background and especially the little birds!
Just popped back to award you an award!
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